Sunday, June 13, 2010

Paint Wash on Grout

I've been working on a project that just begged for a tinted grout - red grout - specifically. OK, so I tinted the grout and it came out a lovely light PINK! Not exactly what I had in mind. I did have pictures but seem to have deleted them all - oops! All right, so now what? Unhappy with the color, I decided to try a technique that a Flickr friend uses with good results - paint washing on grout. First, let me just say that Mary creates phenomenal work so I'd be happy to make something that looks half as good. I looked around for some detailed information on how to mix up the paint. I found various formulas saying to mix the paint with water in a 2:1 or 1:1 ratio depending on how thin or heavy a coat you desire. I wanted to do a light wash in case I hated it or it came out looking like it had been painted. For me, that would be the equivalent of slapping a coat of paint on a brick wall. Yes, it serves a purpose but it looks like crap.

I mixed the paint and water in a 2:1 ratio so it would be somewhat thin. It looks fine but it's still pink, just an intense, darker pink now. I'm going to go over it again with a 1:1 ratio and see if I can get the color right this time. If not, I'm going to call it good and let it go. That's harder for me to do than it sounds because I'm so critical of my work and I tend to be harder on myself than anyone else ever could be. Don't know if that's because others don't want to hurt my feelings or if I've got higher expectations of me than they do. 

All right, I tried a second paint wash but couldn't see a difference from the first attempt. At that point, I called it done and painted the outside of the heart a candy apple red. It will take a couple of days for the paint to thoroughly dry and harden before I can add the finishing touches. Here's the most current look at work-in-progress Key to My Heart:  

It's very personal to me so I'm anxious to see it completed. I'll post pictures later this week.  

My friend Mary over at Flickr:  

Mary's GOG (glass on glass) works are absolutely beautiful and I promise you won't be disappointed. Go on, have a look!

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