Friday, February 27, 2009

Need an Angel and One Very Small Miracle

Our business is not just struggling but flailing wildly. In the (almost) six years we've been in business, it's never been this bad. We've always managed to keep the doors open. Since Christmas we've said, "If we can just make it one more month, we'll be ok." Well, I'm not sure we're going to make it another month. Nobody's building anything right now and it's literally killing us. Those that have new silicon coming out have pushed the dates back another month. I hope we're still here.

It's really sad that we've been doing this for so long - 6 years come May - and we can't hold on long enough to finally get that one big contract after all these years. Two more months and we could be out of the woods for at least the next four to five years. But lately, I don't know from one day to the next. It's a good business with solid, loyal customers and some great assets. We just need an angel investor to take us under their wing and give us some hope or one very small miracle.

Cross your fingers and pray for us (or whatever it is you do.) I am.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Well, Crap! It's Definitely Friday the 13th...

GRRRR!!! Had my first screw up this morning and deleted some of my posts by accident. It won't kill me but damn, it pisses me off. Back-up of some kind. Must be a way to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Incident #2: I've been following links off a certain website to view related sites and articles. No big deal in most cases, except today of all days, I had a link take me to a sub-page on the Aryan Nation website. WTF??? Un-freakin'-believeable! There was nothing about the link I followed to suggest I was going to a site or page I would never otherwise visit. Maybe I should just stay home today...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Global Warming or Global Scam?

Do you believe global warming is really happening? Why do you believe this or why don't you believe it? Just for the record, I don't believe in global warming. My personal belief is that we're in the early stages of a new Ice Age. The last one only took 10 years to transistion; so, we're well on our way. Recorded average temperatures have dropped over the last decade. The last Ice Age also lasted for about 10,000 years so dig out your thermal undies, if you haven't done so already. All right, lets hear your thoughts on climate change - real or imagined? Hot or cold? Where do you think we're headed?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Isn't She a Doll?

I discovered RogueDolls by Picara amid the picture pool for The Secret Life of Toys at Flickr. I'm a total noob when it comes to Picara and her work but I'm willing to learn. Picara creates her one of a kind RogueDolls from Blythe dolls that she customizes by hand. I know very little of how she does the work but she carves, sands, paints, weaves and dresses these little masterpieces in the most fascinating ways. I could sing praises about her creativity for hours but I'm just going to post some pictures and a couple of links and let you discover how wonderful she is all by yourself.

These photos are from the last doll she sold via eBay. SteamPunk Girl was awesome and I'd love one for myself just so I sould admire her work whenever I wished. Alas, Picara is too rich for my blood. Some day, though...

I do hope that you enjoy Picara and her RogueDolls as much as I do.