Friday, February 27, 2009

Need an Angel and One Very Small Miracle

Our business is not just struggling but flailing wildly. In the (almost) six years we've been in business, it's never been this bad. We've always managed to keep the doors open. Since Christmas we've said, "If we can just make it one more month, we'll be ok." Well, I'm not sure we're going to make it another month. Nobody's building anything right now and it's literally killing us. Those that have new silicon coming out have pushed the dates back another month. I hope we're still here.

It's really sad that we've been doing this for so long - 6 years come May - and we can't hold on long enough to finally get that one big contract after all these years. Two more months and we could be out of the woods for at least the next four to five years. But lately, I don't know from one day to the next. It's a good business with solid, loyal customers and some great assets. We just need an angel investor to take us under their wing and give us some hope or one very small miracle.

Cross your fingers and pray for us (or whatever it is you do.) I am.

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