Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tired and Uninspired

I haven't been sleeping well and waking up extra early has left me tired and out of sorts; also, I've been uninspired. So, I've been taking pictures and hoping one of them will inspire me to create something beautiful. 

The other night I was putting the trash bin out and nearly walked face first into a huge orb weaver web. Spiders don't particularly bother me and long as they don't "bother" me. This guy was huge! His body was the size of a quarter; he had really hairy legs and was creeping me out just hanging there upside down. I came inside grabbed the camera and took a couple of pictures. Then I had to known if he was a good spider or a bad spider. If he was fatally poisonous, then his life was forfeit. He looked like he might be so I had to know. I googled nocturnal spiders and discovered he's an orb weaver and non-toxic to humans. Cool, he got a reprieve, unless he came in the house. 

I had noticed the over-abundance of webs in the trees around the house lately and these orb weavers seem to be responsible. After taking multiple photos, I finally got inspired to create my own interpretation of an orb weaver web.

I love the iridescence of their webs in the morning sunlight.  It looks so fragile but I read that their webs are quite strong; I believe it. I hope I can do it justice. Mother Nature and her creatures kick some serious butt in the art department!

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