Friday, July 24, 2009

Hang in There, Honduras!

Hats off to the small country of Honduras for sticking to their guns in the face of extraordinary controversy. The backlash from the world has been tremendous but the Honduran government has remained stoic. Talk about your peer pressure! This takes it to a whole new level. It seems the world is trying to force the country of Honduras to reinstate their ousted president. He was removed from office and escorted out of the country for attempting to have an unauthorized vote on a referendum to change the Honduran Constitution, which would allow him to stay in office beyond his legal term limit decreed within that constitution. In the articles of the constitution, it also plainly states that his "intentions" will also be grounds for immediate removal from office. When someone takes over the government of a country, or tries, it's called a coup. How is this any different? Zelaya attempted a coup of the Honduran government by trying to circumvent the law and his country's constitution and was immediately from the office of the presidency. The Honduran Supreme Court ruled according to the articles of their constitution and the Honduran military carried out the orders as stated. That should have been the end of the story. So why is the world so dead set against this one small country for only doing what their constitution was designed by the people to do? My personal opinion: This scares the living daylights out of the leaders of the free world because any one of them could be next. When one tiny country is determined to live by the rules of law they created, just imagine what a bigger country could accomplish if they set their minds to it and took back the country from the usurpers and moneylenders. Now there's a thought!

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